Do you feel like your breakfast has been totally boring? It’s a common perception, because the breakfast you have usually consists of rice or cereals with some toast or a bowl of coffee. And if you are like most people, you usually wake up feeling tired.

You don’t have to make breakfast such a special occasion. At least, not yet! Try bringing some fun and delicious breakfast items to your breakfast table. Here are some ideas to get you started:

1. attractiveness. Breakfast is a power meal. As a matter of fact, it is the most important meal of the day. You need to make sure that it is not boring. Even if you are having cereal, try to twist it so it looks attractive. Cover your cereal with a nice porridge or some spread. It should not be completely covered, and should only be about an inch thick. Cut the bread in pieces and place them on a plate. You can try topping your toast with different things.

2. flavor. Don’t just rely on salt and pepper. Try adding some chopped onion, salsa, and other spices to your breakfast. Your child will love it. As for scrambled eggs, you can always add some more fresh shredded chicken or a little lean sausage. You can even go the tortilla route. Instead of just having a plain tortilla, you could try having whole wheat tortillas with fresh salsa and chopped onions, green and red peppers, and diced tomatoes.

3. fiber. Fiber is very important to your child’s digestive system. Also, if you are a busy parent, your child may not have the time to make a regular breakfast. Invest in a quick oats or oatmeal and you are sure to be filled with energy. If you are a parent who works late night, you can try a breakfast made with rolled oats, a banana, and a whole grain cereal. These could be a great power boost to your kids.

4. healthy dinner tips. Tips for cooking healthy dinners include using less meat, getting rid of brown rice and other pasta-based dishes, and including more whole grains and healthy vegetables. You should also try to get a good night’s sleep, and avoid caffeine. An important word: try again. Breakfast may be the most important meal of the day, but it doesn’t have to be the meal that causes the most havoc.

Watch out for your kid’s sweet tooth during the morning meal. Although fruits and vegetables are important, you can find room for some junk food if you must have it. As long as you have alternatives for healthy snacks, dietitian help, and physical activity, you can have a healthy breakfast every day of the week.

Even if you have plenty of time, you may not feel like eating. This is why you might consider starting an activity or two a day. Also, practicing healthy eating habits is a good way to maintain a cool head and help you feel your best. You will feel and look younger, and will remain an active kid for longer.